Park & Recreation
7747 County Road N
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin 53590
Phone: (608) 837-6494
Tamara Songeroth
Lindsay Earhart
Kim Moermond
Scott Manke
Board Reprersentative
Ben Grove
The following recreational facilities are available to all town residents at no charge. List is partial...for a detailed list of amenities at all town parks see the Parks Information Booklet link in the Public Information Section below.
- Lighted Ice Rink and baseball backstop at Star Crest Trail Park.
- Volleyball Court and Picnic Area - north side of Town Hall.
- Picnic shelter, grills, volleyball court and baseball backstop - Sunset Meadow Park.
- Play equipment and baseball backstop - Bristol Ridge Park.
The Bristol Parks & Rec Committee meets as needed to make plans for the continuing development of our town parks.
Public Information:
For a list of available items at each town park along with the location follow the link to our Parks Infomation Booklet. Information on park shelter reservations is also included on Forms & Permits page.