Town Board Meeting: January 13, 2025, 6:00pm at the Bristol Town Hall, 7747 County Road N, Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Agenda/Packet Comprehensive Plan Final
7747 County Road N, Sun Prairie WI 53590
Special Town Board Meeting
The Bristol Town Board will hold a special town board meeting on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at 5:00 p.m., located at the Bristol Town Hall, 7747 County Road N, Sun Prairie WI 53590.
I. Order of Business
a. Call to Order
II. Business
a. Discuss/Consider December 2021 Report on Club Bristol from Dane County Sheriff and Club Bristol
III. Set Future Meetings and Agendas
IV. Adjourn.
Notice is hereby given that it is possible that a majority of the Town Board or other governmental body may be present at the above meeting of the Town Board to gather information about a subject over which they have ultimate decision-making responsibility. If such a majority is present, it will constitute a meeting of the Town Board or other governmental body under Wisconsin’s Open Meeting Laws and is hereby being noticed as such, although only the Town Board will take formal action at the above meeting.
Any person who has a qualifying disability as defined by the American with Disabilities Act that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format must contact the clerk at 608-837-6494, 7747 County Road N, Sun Prairie, WI 53590, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so the necessary arrangements can be made to accommodate each request.
Kim Grob
Town Clerk-Treasurer
Certified Posting: 1-10-2022 3:00pm Town Hall and website.